On this News page you can find out what currently is going on to "Restore Local Control" over standards and the statewide assessment in our state. Visit our "Activism" page as well for current legislation and community action items you can participate in. All previous presentations are posted here on How we adopted Common Core- "Common Core Rotten to the Core"; "What is Wrong with Common Core?"; Data Mining happening on our children- "Our Children Are Not for Sale"; and Education Updates are all posted here for you to educate yourselves and those around you on why we want state control over our standards, assessment and protection of our student data. Updates are also posted periodically on what is happening with Common Core across the nation as well.
"What is Happening in our
Schools?- July 2018" presented by Jennifer Reynolds.
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, legislators, etc. These Education Updates are updated frequently so
come back and check for updates.
This is an July 2018 Education update on "What is Happening in Our Schools?" with- No mention of God in our schools and why?; Dumbed-down standards; Far-left ideology being promoted in our schools through Curriculum, Civic Engagment, etc; and How our students are performing on AzMERIT and NAEP. It also shows how more money spent in schools doesn't guarantee student success on state-wide or national assessments. What is being taught in the classroom and how it is being taught is the key to success! We need to get back to the basics and our founding principles of reading, writing and arithmetic with parental involvement in schools where our voices are recognized and acknowledged that parents know what is best for our children! Share this presentation far-and-wide in your communities. We need your voices!
To counter the lies by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and Superintendent Diane Douglas's continued claimes that "she removed Common Core from Arizona," please read the "Top Five Reasons Common Core Remains in Arizona" and judge for yourself why Common Core was just renamed (rebranded) a second time in Arizona on December 16, 2016!
The Arizona Department of Education's (ADE's) Social Studies Working group used the C3 Framework developed by the National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) which centers around far left ideology. In the March 3, 2017 meeting agenda, it clearly shows the ADE Working group integrating the C3 Framework into the March Draft of the History & Social Science Standards. There is even a webinar coaching activist educrats into working around state legislators to get this C3 Framework and the "Civics Engagement" program codified into these standards. The National Council of Social Studies (NCSS) publication titled "Social Education" contains many articles that highlight their agenda and instructs teachers to coach children, starting in elementary school. This coaching includes lying, defying their parents, civil disobedience, breaking the law, and committing violence. When that's the focus of teaching instruction we have a BIG PROBLEM! Read the entire History & Social Science Standards review and How they are tied to the C3 Framework and "Civic Engagement" in schools.
Arizonans Against Common Core and Mommy Lobby AZ have completed their reviews of the March 2018 Drafts of the Arizona Science Standards and History & Social Science Standards in May 2018. Here is access to the Science Standards-Executive Summary or the Complete Science Standards Review. The History & Social Science Standards Review has also been completed along with all of our comments on both sets of standards on what was missing, delayed or developmentally inappropriate in the standards. The Arizona Science Standards and History & Social Science Standards will be modified by the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) Working Groups over the summer and the final drafts will be voted on in the Fall 2018 by the State Board of Education (SBE). Stay tuned...
![]() Superintendent of Public Instruction, Diane Douglas- Arizona's Queen of Common Core! |
![]() 2nd Rebrand of Common Core- Lipstick on a Pig! |
Please read this article in its entirety from link above. The second rebrand of Common Core is no more than Lipstick on a Pig. Superintendent of Public Instruction Diane Douglas continues to travel around the state in 2018 on the campaign trail telling crowds that she "Stopped Common Core" as part of her 2014 campaign promise. This is far from the truth! Common Core was Rebranded a second time on December 19, 2016 when the 2016 Arizona English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards were adopted by the State Board of Education (SBE) with an 8-1 vote. See Arizona State Board Of Education Approves Rebrand Of Common Core Standards and State Board Of Education Ignores Governor, Parents And Own Policy. SBE member Jared Taylor was the only vote opposing the adoption of these standards and he stated, "The bottom line is that I am very disappointed that we kicked the parents to the curb and ignored the will of the voters when they elected Diane Douglas. Yet she led the way today; we just renewed Common Core."
Comments Compiled by Parents and Teachers IGNORED by Arizona Legislators, SLAPPED DOWN by Supt. Douglas
Parents and teachers had compiled all of our English/Language Arts and Mathematics public comments on these standards calling out where they were: 1) developmentally inappropriate by grade level; 2) where standards were missing; and 3) which standards were damaging to children due to the pedagogy that requires prescriptive "how to's" for teachers to use in the classroom. I sent an email to legislators calling out the "2nd Rebrand of Common Core- Lipstick on the Common Core Pig" in our state on December 6, 2016. Subsequently, Superintendent Douglas wrote a response to legislators on December 13, 2016 denying the Rebrand of Common Core.
The 2nd Rebrand of Common Core Exposed by Mommy Lobby's Side-By-Side Comparison
Mommy Lobby AZ also created a "side-by-side" comparison in 2017 of the 2013 Arizona College and Career Ready Standards (ACCRS) vs. the "adopted" 2016 Arizona ELA and Math Standards. Judge for yourself if there are "significant" changes in the standards!
We also found that only 5% of the K-3 Mathematics Standards had changed and 7% of the K-3 ELA standards had changed. See A Picture is Worth a Thousand Common Core Standards. There were 95% and 93% of the 2013 ACCRS (aka Common Core) standards that still remained for Mathematics and ELA, respectively! Grammar changes, replacing a word for "clarity in a standard," etc., were not considered "significant" by the ML and weren't calculated. Even the numbering of the 2016 ELA and Mathematics standards had not changed, unless a standard was deleted or a new standard was added, because the numbering of standards is how AzMERIT test questions are selected to match the standards! Again, who is Superintendent Douglas and the ADE Standards staff trying to fool? What "magical formulas" did the ADE use in their ELA and Math "Changes and Responses" documents? ADE should provide legitimate data to back up their "percentage changed" formulas for the 2016 ELA and Mathematics standards!
Frank Riggs: The Most Qualified, Most Experienced, Most Ethical Candidate for SPI
I am now working for Frank Riggs' 2018 campaign for Superintendent of Public Instruction. I had the pleasure of working with him "in the trenches" to Stop Common Core when he ran for Governor in 2014. He is the most qualified executive to run for the highest office in education in our state. He will be an ethical SPI who won't lie about his record, and he won't betray parents by rebranding Common Core. He has always fought for local control over education as a former school board member, classroom substitute teacher, businessman and Congressman who wrote legislation which promoted "local control," not "federal control." See Frank Riggs: The Only Candidate with a Record for Fighting to get the Feds out of K-12 Education! Join me today and support Frank Riggs for State Superintendent of Public Instruction with your time, donations, and your vote!
![]() Vote Frank Riggs for State Superintendent of Public Instruction in 2018! |
![]() Arizona Rebrands Common Core AGAIN in 2016! |
The Arizona Department of Education "Rebranded Common Core," under former Superintendent John Huppenthal in 2013, by renaming the standards "Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards" (ACCRS) in attempt to calm down parents which did not work! As suspected the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) and State Board of Education (SBE) are trying to "Rebrand Common Core" AGAIN with their latest 2016 draft of the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards. The ADE Working Groups were tasked to review and incorporate our public comments which have been ignored. Our pleas to take out the "prescriptive examples and developmentally inappropriate standards for ELA and Mathematics" have been brushed aside, and the ADE Working Groups proceeded with the 2nd rewrite with very little changes to the Arizona's College and Career Ready Standards (aka Common Core). If you put lipstick on the Common Core pig, it is still a pig!
Here is a copy of our e-mail correspondence with Superintendent Douglas, ADE Staff and Governor Ducey's Senior Education Policy Advisor, Dawn Wallace, asking why our public comments had not been incorporated.
Here are the reviews that our combined groups- Arizonans Against Common Core, Opt Out AZ and "Mommy Lobby AZ"- submitted to the SBE K-12 Standards website on October 3rd for the draft 2016 ELA and Mathematics Standards. Parents voices were NOT heard, our comments were NOT incorporated, and here we have another "Rebrand of Common Core" if we let this happen.
UPDATE: The vote to pass the 2016 ELA and Mathematics standards was delayed at the Arizona Standards Development Committee (ASDC) meeting on 12/14/16. Based upon concerns from the ASDC with the standards and parents comments being ignored, the committee pushed off voting an approval or disapproval of the standards until January! HOWEVER, the State Board of Education (SBE) disbanded their own rules and circumvented this extension to review the standards by the ASDC and voted on 12/19/16 to approve the 2016 standards "as is" with a 8-1 vote. No futher reviews by the ASDC nor public comments would be incorporated. By taking a vote at the SBE meeting this week, our public comments were again ignored and it shows they truly do not care what parents think about educating our children.
Both Superintendent Douglas and Governor Ducey were elected to Stop Common Core yet by their recent actions in "Rebranding Common Core" a second time it clearly shows they never had any intention to Stop Common Core. Attempting to put lipstick on the Common Core pig, adding a hat to try and disguise it along with a scarf, will not fool parents that this is still the "Common Core Pig."
Contact Superintendent Douglas and Governor Ducey and expose their
actions. Let them clearly know that parents all across the state were ignored
and we will not accept the 2nd "Rebrand of Common Core. Contact Superintendent Douglas
at: [email protected] or 602-542-5423. Contact Dawn Wallace,
Governor Ducey's Senior Education Policy Advisor: [email protected] or
602-542-1316. Contact Karol Schmidt, Executive Director at the State
Board of Education (SBE) [email protected] or 602-542-5057. Contact Governor
Ducey or by phone at: Phoenix: 602-542-4331 or Tucson: 520-628-6580. Let's not forget these turncoats and not re-elect them in 2018!
![]() Arizona Department of Education |
The Arizona Department of Education (ADE) announced that the existing
Science Standards (2004)
Social Studies Standards (2005) are up for review by December 3rd.
Visit the ADE's K-12 Standards website to submit public comments or to become a member of
the review committees for Science or Social Studies.
![]() SBE Standards Development Committee |
The State Board of Education (SBE) Standards Development Committee announced that the first drafts of the 2016 English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Standards are ready for public review on August 19, 2016. These standards can be found on their SBE website here. All comments need to be posted by October 3, 2016! Public meetings will also be hosted by the SBE from September 12th-September 21st and you can find those locations here. Let us take FULL advantage of this opportunity in reviewing the 2016 ELA and Mathematics standards and make sure this is NOT a "Rebrand of Common Core!"
Governor Ducey called a meeting on April 28, 2015 to meet with "Arizonans Against Common Core," "Opt Out AZ," and the rest of the "Mommy Lobby" who are actively fighting Common Core and he wanted our organizations involved in the process to "Remove and Replace Common Core." This meeting was attended by leaders from "Arizonans Against Common Core;" leaders from "Opt Out AZ;" leaders from the "Mommy Lobby;" and the Governor's staff- Governor Ducey, Laddie Shane, JP Twist and Dawn Wallace. State Board of Education members, Jared Taylor and Chuck Schmidt were also in attendance.
![]() Governor Doug Ducey |
![]() Karol Schmidt, Current SBE Executive Director |
![]() Christine Thompson, Former SBE Executive Director |
![]() Dawn Wallace, Governor's Education Policy Advisor |
Governor Ducey reminded everyone that he had asked the State Board of Education to begin the work of "Replacing Common Core in Arizona" at the State Board of Education (SBE) meeting on March 23, 2015. Christine Thompson, Executive Director of the SBE, and Dawn Wallace, Governor Ducey's Education Policy Advisor, drafted the process to "Replace Common Core" which was voted on during the April 27, 2015 State Board of Education meeting by the 11 members of the board (Michael Crow was not present for this vote so it was a 9-1 vote). This SBE process to "Review and Replace Common Core" was supposed to be completed by the end of the 2015-2016 school year. However, due to the SBE Executive Director changing (now Karol Schmidt) this process it is still on-going and work has only begun in 2016- to start reviewing the public comments on the Arizona College and Career Ready standards (aka Common Core) by this committee, and the English Languauge Arts (ELA) and Mathematics Working Groups. To see updates from the "Arizona Standards Development Committee" visit their webpage.
Governor Ducey made it very clear that he wanted to "Get Rid of Common Core" NOT "Rebrand Common Core." He wants Arizona's children to have something of value after 12 years of education, and he indicated that he wants all of our Anti-Common Core Groups to be an active part of the process to create high-quality, "Arizona Standards." To read more about this meeting read the article on "Gilbert Watch" entitled "Gov. Ducey to Arizona Citizens: 'Please Get Involved in the Process to Remove and Replace Common Core.'"
"Education Update- August 2015" presented by Jennifer Reynolds.
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, etc. These Education Updates change every month so come
back often!
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, etc. This presentation is updated periodically so
check here for the latest presentation.
Common Core Conference- "Our Children Are Not For
Sale!" presented by Jennifer Reynolds.
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, etc. This presentation is updated periodically so
check here for the latest presentation.
"Common Core- Rotten to the Core Presentation"
presented by
Jennifer Reynolds (Read only).
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, etc. Jennifer Reynolds updates this presentation periodically so check
here for the latest presentation.
is Wrong with Common Core?" presented by Gina Ray.
Share this presentation with your family, neighbors,
school boards, etc. Gina Ray updates this presentation periodically so check
here for the latest presentation.
Hand out Common Core Education Fliers from
the Fliers page.
This presentation has a lot of great research on the
funding and companies behind Common Core, Pearson's plans for our children and the
connection of Common Core to UNESCO.
"The Cloud
Institute for Sustainable Education."
This presentation shows the goals of the United Nations
for our children's education and their connection to Common Core.
Thirty-two States are in the process of submitting bills to reject Common
Core as of March 20, 2015! Arizona is included in this
number. Yea!!! Open document below to see a complete listing of the State's bills as of 3/20/15.
"Legislation would block Alabama from implementing national curriculum standards (updated)."
A copy of the Alabama's
bills (HB254)
and (SB190)
are here.
"Education leaders worry schools won't be ready for new standards."
introduced in Georgia to stop Common Core."
A copy of the Georgia's bill (SB163) is here.
"Colorado Board of Education Hears Common Core Critics."
core ed standards face hearing in [Idaho's] House committee."
Bill Will Mandate Assessment and Public Input of Common Core."
copy of Indiana's bill (SB193) is here.
Indianapolis Star- "Indiana Supreme Court upholds school vouchers."
The Foundry- "Governor Pence Pauses Indiana Common Core Standards."
Core Bill Filed Introduced In Kansas."
and A
of the Kansas's bill (HB2289) is here.
Core Bill Almost Ready to Go in Michigan House."
The Foundry- "Michigan Budget Battle Provides Opportunity to Reject Common Core National Standards."
Core Bill Filed in Missouri House."
A copy of the Missouri's bill (HB616) is here.
NOTE: In U.S. Map above, Minnesota adopted the Common Core English Standards but not the Math
York submitted legislation to Stop Common Core (6/13/13)- Senate
Bill 79954.
North Carolina Senate introduced in their budget language
that requires the State Board of Education have the legislature approve
any expenditures related to the Common Core and their assessments.
This language is backed up in
Excellent Public Schools Act of
"Student Data Mining, How Much Data Is Enough?"
Senators urge for "slow down" of Common Core which led Governor Tom
Corbett to sign an executive order delaying the Common Core implementation. (Still need legislative action so this is permanent).
Carolina State Senator Mike Fair Warns About Common Core Testing."
"Anti-Common Core Bill Clears South Dakota House Education Committee."
A copy of the South Dakota's bill (HB1204) is here.
Tennessee Against Common Core website.
"Common Core Propaganda Bill in Utah House."